Study Abroad

We offer the opportunity to study and grow at elite Jewish institutions both in America and Israel. All of these institutions cater to students regardless of their Jewish educational background or lack thereof. There are 4 & 6 week programs during the winter and summer recesses, as well as semester and year-long programs for recent graduates, or students looking to spend a semester or year studying abroad.

Study Abroad

We offer the opportunity to study and grow at elite Jewish institutions both in America and Israel. All of these institutions cater to students regardless of their Jewish educational background or lack thereof. There are 4 & 6 week programs during the winter and summer recesses, as well as semester and year-long programs for recent graduates, or students looking to spend a semester or year studying abroad.

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Yeshiva and Seminary Institutes

MEOR Yeshivas

MEOR runs two such institutions for young men in Jerusalem: Machon Shlomo and Machon Yaakov. We have also partnered with three Jerusalem seminaries that provide comparable opportunities for young women: Neve Yerushalayim, Midrashet Rachel, and Shearim.

Global Learning

There are several other institutions which may be more appropriate for certain students, including Aish HaTorah, Darchei Noam, and Ohr Somayach – both in Israel and America. Interested? Please contact us to discuss the various options and help determine the ideal program for you.


There are also generous scholarship opportunities that can make travel and tuition affordable for every student. These include scholarships for free airfare and monthly stipends. Moreover, study at some of these institutions can earn college credit at very affordable rates. Please be in touch for more information.